B.G.C. (The Big Gospel Connection)
I find it very inspiring to wake up on a Sunday morning to the sound of Gospel Music. It makes you feel good to be reminded that somebody cares. P.C.R.L. gives me the opportunity to provide that sensation for people all over the Midlands.
To me the Gospel of Jesus in music inspires you to get up and go to church. It lifts you up from the downs you may be feeling because some joyful voices are still singing about how Jesus saves, cares, keeps and satisfies. That you're only feeling low because you've just woke up.
Christians keep on praying that the Lord will bless P.C.R.L. with a license that the joyful sound of Gospel may be heard all over the Midlands on lO3.5 FM in Stereo.
God bless you all I have a lot more I could say but time, or should I say space, is short. (1987)
A direct answer to a direct question. What is more favorable and acceptable to God and man; to preach. and play Gospel records on an illegal Radio station allowing many people to receive the Gospel message, or to preach, sing hymns and choruses in Churches throughout the city Sunday after Sunday plus midweek prayer meetings for the same people?
There is a community crying out for the Good News. They are not going to get that Good News form churches who spend all their time, effort, and money amongst themselves, not caring for those in society who do not visit their churches. The time has come for Christians in all walks of life or wake up accept the challenge or preach the Gospel anywhere, any time, and any place. What difference does it make where and how the Gospel is preached as long as it's factual and souls are being saved for the Kingdom of God? In any case Christians int he past have disobeyed the Civil Law, for the sake of the Gospel. Can I draw your attention to the account int the Bible in Daniel Chapter three, where Daniel refused to worship a false God, and continued his daily prayers to the living God,
George Franklin Smith was he not cast into prison for disobeying the King's law? How about the three Hebrew boys - or how about the early Christians, ego the Apostle Paul and his brethren preaching even when they were forbidden from doing so? The law I agree should be obeyed, but I remember someone whom I cannot name saying the law is an "ass". Of course we rightly condemn drugs trafficking and so we should as we are very much aware of the fatal effects it can cause to individuals in our society. Why then don't we condemn the smuggling of Bibles and other religious literature into countries where they are not permitted? We don't have to be university graduates to answer this question because Jesus himself commended us to go into all the World and preach the Gospel and this, I take it could mean even on 'Illegal Radio Station'. Why should we light our candles and hide them under cover, should we not make our lights shine for God? By GEORGE FRANKLIN SMITH - 1987
George left PCRL in the late 80's
PCRL Gospel Music DJ's
Gospel Music
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